Module 1
- Yoga History
- Muscle Physiology
- Bhagavad Gita Intro
- Sun Salutations
- Pranayama Introduction
- Lung Anatomy and Breathing Physiology
- Establishing a Home Practice
Module 2
- Anatomy of Legs
- Standing Poses, Balance Poses
- Yoga in America
- Bhagavad Gita Chapters 4-6
- Additional Pranayama Practices
- Teaching Practice: Sun Salutations
Module 3
- Anatomy: Hips
- Bhagavad Gita Chapters 7-9
- Asana for hips, seated poses, kneeling poses
- Ujjayi Breathing, Nadi Shodhana
Module 4
- Anatomy of Spine and Core
- Forward Bends, Back Bends, Core Building
- Bhagavad Gita Chapters 10-12
- Asana for hips, seated poses, kneeling poses
- Introduction to Meditation
Module 5
- Anatomy: Shoulder, Neck
- Body Patterns, Compensations, and Limitations
- Bhagavad Gita Chapters 13-15
- Twists, Supine Poses
- Chataranga, Arm Balances
- Meditation Pt 2
Module 6
- Anatomy: Arms
- Bhagavad Gita Conclusion
- Inversions
- Adjustments/Assists
- Sequencing
Module 7
- Anatomy: Feet
- Yoga Sutras Pt 1
- Restorative Yoga, Savasana, and Constructive Rest
- Yin Yoga
- Yoga Nidra
- How to lead yoga classes including classroom management and troubleshooting
Module 8
- Energetic Anatomy (Chakras)
- Yoga for Special Populations including Beginners and Seniors
- Yoga for Athletes
- Yoga for Pregnancy
- Yoga Sutras Pt 2
- Practicum: Vinyasa Teaching and Restorative or Meditation
Module 9
- Yoga Ethics
- Business of Yoga
- Advanced Practice Techniques
- Student-led Practices
- Graduation